

Branding Tips


Branding tips count no 22
Ur Brand for a social cause: If your brand can stand for a social cause, nothing like it. This move will help you stand out among your competition and will certainly attract new customers through your cause or say "for your cause".
For Eg. The Specialist Goan Cuisine Restaurant brand "Mum's Kitchen" says in its tagline.....The Move to Save Goan Cuisine" there is definitely a sense for social cause in it. This can become a movement if taken up with right planning and right intensions. I am sure Mum's kitchen as a brand will definitely benefit out of this social movement.

Branding tips count no 21

Brand Feelings: Analyse how your customer feels when they connect to your brand.

They may feel happy, Sad, Self pride, Fun, Confused, Curious, satisfied, wise, Trust, Nostalgic etc.

Understand these feelings for your brand and ensure that your brand feelings are positively affecting your brand perception.

For Eg. Mcdonalds promote happy feelings, Luxury products like BMW/Merc indulge in making you feel social pride, our Goan brands like “Mum’s Kitchen” gives you a feeling of calmness.

Branding tips count no 20

Brand Recall: How many times does your brand get a recall? identify this triggers and nurture them...

For Eg. Triggering points could be your hoarding, your signage board, your FB/twitter page, your product's shelve space/presence, word of mouth instances.
Identifying these triggers and nurturing them can help your brand.

Branding tips count no 19

Logo Concept: Your logo should be "concept" centric rather than design centric. Focus on highlighting what your company believes in, avoid limiting your creativity to only producing alphabetical designs.

For Eg. "Nike's" swoosh logo has nothing to do with the alphabet "N", the logo simply defines the spirit of victory that the brand stands for.

Branding tips count no 18

Your Twitter/Fb Account: Excite your followers with news, Pictures, updates, fun, activities from your daily office core, talk about the colleagues, their creativity, the fun you guys have. It helps in engaging your audiences.

If you are having fun at work means you guys are doing well! Portraying a vibrant work culture is a BIG PLUS for your brand.
Branding tips count no 17
Brand Personality: Define the personality type for your brand...be sure whether your brand is sober, intelligent, energetic, aggressive, helpful, relaxed, naughty etc. etc.
Try and define it more from your customer perspective, than from your own!

Branding tips count no 16
Your customers should be reaffirmed that they are among many others who have chosen your brand..... This satisfies them with their purchase/buy.
Deliberate on this tip in your branding communication.

For Example: A car brand always talks about their Existing customer lists in their selling pitch.

Branding tips count no 15
If you have a unique biz model and it has been proved effective...higlight the same in your branding campaigns, your customers should know that you are different than others.

For Example: Eueraka Forbes model of door to door Marketing

Branding tips count no 14
Use real customers in your Ads/Brand Promotion Campaigns. Showcase them in a way that your potential customers can aspire to become one.

Branding tips count no 13 
As per current modern trends...a brand can be successful if its qualities/perceptions are linked to at least one of the many  personalities a human being possess or relate to.

Branding tips count no 12
Design your brand logo in such a form that it makes a remark even without any colors

Branding tips count no 11
Start a social initiative associating with your brands…this helps in a big way these days!

Branding tips count no 10
Know what it is you are delivering & to whom- for every step in the branding process. This helps to be focused on what results are you expecting with the branding initiative.

Branding tips count no 9
"In the Initially stages of branding, concentrate on highlighting only your best product or service, Have your campaigns, ads, teasers revolving only around your best product/service"

Branding tips count no 8
"Make your brand presence felt continuously in various media to increase your brand awareness, but don't be dependent only on publishing ads, look for presence through news item, articles, mentions, stories about your brands etc"

Branding tips count no 7
"Have a Tag line defining what your brand stands for, it helps your customers in relating to your brand"

Branding tips count no 6
"today's brands should use social media extensively. So start tweeting and FBing about your brand and your products"

Branding tips count no 5
"Build your brand perception taking into consideration the long term vision for your products and your company"

Branding tips count no 4
"Choose your brand colors as per the products u sell your brand Colors have a big psychological influence on yours consumers"

Branding tips, count no.3
"Identify and focus on your customer touch points for building a long term brand loyalty"

Branding tips,count no.2
"Have consistency in your brand identity; get your logo, letterheads, visiting cards, website, uniforms etc aligned together"

Branding tips,count no 1
"The best way to build a brand is through creativity and innovations. Not by overspending on advertisements"

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