

CACULO MALL GOA- is it missing something?

One of the Marketing professional I know, said that the only good thing Caculo did with its shopping complex is that it called it a " MALL".
In real terms what is a mall? an Mumbaikar would say "Malls is a place that have something for everyone," right from clothes, Electronics, Multiplex, Food court, Home decor, Household supplies, Gifts, Books etc. I am sure Caculo Mall has most of these, but one would notice that the concentration is more on Clothes, hence in a visitor's mind, most of the time the brand perception of a " MALL" does not digest well after his/her first visit. 

Is there a major disconnect with the Brand perception and Brand experience? 
Yes, and hence there may be a need either to change the communication strategy of the brand or to do more work on building the product itself to match with the brand perception.
One of the things caculo team can do is, project the brand as a specialized destination for Shopping of clothes (for which the product is already Matured). Build all the future communications with this intention, let people recall Caculo Mall as a place for buying clothes. The objective here is to ensure that whenever someone thinks of garment shopping, the first destination they should think and should visit is Caculo Mall. Relate this to the example of our neighbouring Belgaum being perceived as a destination for wedding shopping, people from across get flooded in belgaum during wedding season.
I am not very sure, whether this idea will be acceptable to the Caculo management, since there is already lot of effort, money and time spend on creating the existing Brand perception, however, I am sure a campaign to highlight the specialty area of your product would definitely help in securing one set of target segment. 

One must say that the Management is putting in admirable efforts in increasing the footfalls at the mall, activities like competitions for kids, celebrity visits, entertainment by dance/music troupe are definitely adding to the flavor of a Mall. 
To conclude, I feel that there are lot of right things happening with the brand as part of the overall marketing, But if they are looking at dominating the space of " Malls in Goa", and want to be known as the most preferred brand of mall in Goa, a proper vision for Branding is what the management need to deliberate upon. 
Owner of the Article: goa.paidideas@gmail.com

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March 18, 2015 at 4:28 AM ×

Malls are the finest locations where the best of outdoor advertising tools and techniques can be deployed.

Selamat Unknown dapat PERTAMAX...! Silahkan antri di pom terdekat heheheh...
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