

Add colors to your brand...the ones that matters offcourse!

Add colors to your brand...the ones that matters off-course!

Studies reveal that more than 60% customers are influenced with the colors associated with brand identity. 
Choosing right colors for brand logo/identity is very critical as this can make or break your brand, try to imagine a healthcare brand with color black associated with it, black logo, black uniform, black visiting cards etc. i am sure most of you will not like it. It is this consumer psychology that matters the most.

Your logo Colors is the first thing that strikes to your customers, everything else like your design, font, art etc get noticed later.
choosing a color is one decision that you can make for free, but needs to be made sensibly or else it might cost you lot in later stages.

Any human psychologist will confirm that every color has some emotions/feelings attached to it, for eg. Green is the color which evokes calmness, sense of peace and feelings of security, it is for this reason that you will find most of the healthcare brands use green in their brands, for that matter blue is the color which is most extensively used by brands across the world, blue represents authoritativeness, energy and swiftness, it is the color of sky and deep oceans. 

In below exhibit you will find some pointers on which color to use for a particular industry/sector/products.

With this article, my intention was to lay stress on the importance of colors while taking up branding tasks.

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November 17, 2016 at 11:54 PM ×

Colours indeed play an important role in your brand marketing strategy and help convey a mood and defined emotional state to your brand.

Selamat Unknown dapat PERTAMAX...! Silahkan antri di pom terdekat heheheh...
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